RAS Carers' Grant - available for NAM 2024

The Royal Astronomical Society recognises that many delegates who attend or who would like to attend the National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) have caring responsibilities, whether this is for children, elderly or disabled relatives or friends. As a result, they are sometimes prevented from attending the conference because there is no provision for the extra costs incurred in paying for the additional care needed while they are away.

The grant scheme, including for NAM 2024, aims to contribute towards these additional costs of care when attending events, meetings and conferences.

We appreciate that the arrangements that NAM 2024 delegates will put in place will be many and varied, and therefore we do not wish to place restrictions on how the grant will be used, except that it must be used towards the costs associated with additional care for the person or people that the delegate cares for.

Submitting an application

Applications must be submitted to awards@ras.ac.uk by 17:00 BST on 27th June 2024 using the RAS application form, if you are applying for funding for NAM 2024.

Download the application form below.

The total grant fund is limited but all applications will be given equal consideration, and a decision on them will be made within one week of the deadline. Retrospective applications will not normally be accepted.


Any NAM 2024 delegate is eligible to apply for a grant, up to a maximum of £250.


All recipients are requested to produce a short form following the event, confirming attendance and any benefit obtained from attendance. You may also wish to comment on the effectiveness of the fund in contributing to your additional costs.

The grant will normally be paid after you have attended the event and the report has been received. If you feel that you cannot attend without receiving payment beforehand, please contact the Awards Officer via awards@ras.ac.uk