Dr Fabio Speranza
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy

Fabio Speranza received his PhD in Earth Sciences from Université P-M Curie (Paris) in 1995 and is presently Senior Scientist at INGV (Rome). He has long worked in the applications of paleomagnetism and rock magnetism to address geologic, tectonic, and volcanologic issues. He is mostly interested in paleomagnetic rotations and their bearings to constrain the evolution of blocks, terrains, and arcuate orogenic fronts, and the crust rotation pattern along major strike-slip faults. The Mediterranean domain puzzle and the Andes represents his main research targets, besides East Tibet and Indochina. He also works on magnetic anomaly analysis to model both continental and oceanic crust setting, and the serpentinization process of mantle rocks, also in relation with hydrogen generation. Since 2002 he has also focused on volcanoes, where paleomagnetism has been used to date Holocene eruptions from the Mediterranean domain and the Atlantic Ocean islands, and to constrain emplacement temperatures of ignimbrites.