Dr Margarita Segou (Editor-in-Chief 2024 to present)


The Lyell Centre, British Geological Survey

Date joined board
Geophysical Journal International
Image of Dr Margarita Segou

After her dissertation at the University of Athens (NKUA), Margarita Segou held postdoctoral positions and fellowships at the US Geological Survey (Menlo Park) and at GeoAzur-CNRS (Nice), before joining the British Geological Survey in 2015. Her major interests are the physical processes of earthquake nucleation at different scales, involving short and long-term stress-mediated fault interaction. 

Her research also addresses problems ranging from short-term subduction zone hazards, time-dependent seismic hazards, operational aftershock forecasts, earthquake probabilities and fault potentials in natural and induced seismicity cases by integrating complex physical and laboratory laws with existing empirical/statistical models.

