Dr Ute Weckmann
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, Germany

Ute Weckmann obtained her PhD at the Freie Universität Berlin. With an Emmy-Noether Fellowship of the German Science Foundation she did her PostDoc at Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland, before joining GFZ in 2006. Her primary research interests are on various aspects of geomagnetic induction in the Earth. Over the last couple of years, she has been involved in many large scale magnetotelluric experiments to investigate active and fossil tectonic regimes in all parts of the world, particularly within multi-disciplinary, integrative projects. Another focus is laid on the combination of geodynamic with applied research on e.g. imaging and modelling geothermal and unconventional gas systems. She has worked on electromagnetic data processing, modelling and inversion methods as well as on electrical anisotropy.