Early Career Network: meet the team!

An image of Saturn taken by the Cassini spacecraft.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

The RAS Early Career Network was founded in 2020, as part of the bicentennial celebration programme. The role of the Early Career Network (ECN) is to provide support, networking and advice for early career Fellows. The ECN is run by a steering committee, who represent the views of the Early Career Fellows of the RAS.

The ECN committee are:

  • Chair: Jack Reid
  • Vice-Chair: Steven Gough-Kelly
  • Dr Matthew Temple

Roles tbc:

  • Secretary
  • Events Coordinator
  • Advocacy Coordinator
  • Membership and Communications Coordinator


Jack Reid
Jack Reid
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Jack Reid:

Jack Reid is a Research Fellow in the School of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of St Andrews. His research interests are in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and the heating of the solar atmosphere, in particular via MHD avalanches, which can link very small-scale, micro-physical processes, such as magnetic reconnection, to heating in huge numbers of tiny 'nanoflare' events and to the largest and most powerful events, such as flares. He became a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society in 2016. On the committee, he wishes to articulate the differing positions, opinions, and concerns of early-career researchers, within the RAS and to other professional bodies.

Personal website: http://www-solar.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~jr93/index.html

Steven Gough-Kelly
Steven Gough-Kelly
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Steven Gough-Kelly:

Steven Gough-Kelly is a PhD research student in galaxy dynamics at the Jeremiah Horrocks Institute, University of Central Lancashire. His primary research is studying the formation of Box/Peanut bulges in barred galaxies by comparing isolated and cosmological simulations to observations of both external galaxies and the Milky Way. He is excited to join the ECN as the Membership Coordinator, to improve and promote positive engagement with potential fellows and work to highlight and enhance the benefits of current fellows, especially those beginning their research careers. He is also looking forward to working with the rest of the ECN Steering Committee to ensure that the RAS and research careers are accessible for both our membership and the wider astronomical and geophysical communities.