The RAS education and outreach team can work with you!

2018 - 2019 saw the start of something exciting by way of collaboration!

The Royal Astronomical Society’s AstroBoost project ran from March 2018 to March 2019. It was funded by a STFC Spark Award of £15,000 (ref. ST/R005826/1). The Primary Applicant was Dr Sheila Kanani (RAS Education Outreach and Diversity Officer) and the project was run by Dr Jenny Shipway.

The project had two main strands. Firstly, a survey of Astronomy Society public engagement activities in the south of England. Secondly, production of resource kits to support three partner societies in delivering public engagement activities related to the James Webb Space Telescope. 

The project was a huge success and has gone on to receive further funding from other avenues.

This shows that you can partner with the RAS to apply for external funding, and if you are successful in your application, our education and outreach team can give you their knowledge, expertise and support in running a large scale outreach or education project.

Get in touch with the education and outreach team if you are interested in partnering with us to apply for external funding for your exciting projects!