Black holes and AGN in the era of the Event Horizon Telescope, JWST, and the Rubin Observatory.

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The first ever image of the region immediately around the environs of a black hole event horizon, taken by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) global interferometer, caught the public imagination worldwide. This image was followed by a second, this time of the SgrA* black hole in the centre of our own Milky Way Galaxy. However, the EHT has also imaged other AGN jets with higher resolution than ever before. In addition, JWST is providing deep insights into AGN, with studies of examples in the local universe shedding light on how they interact with their host galaxies, whilst also finding the earliest known cases of SMBH accretion at the edge of the observable Universe.

Further, the soon-to-be completed Vera Rubin Telescope's repeated survey of the entire southern sky will reach greater depths than ever before, vastly increasing sample sizes and promising to provide groundbreaking insights into the variable nature of AGN. With the dawning of this new era in observational astronomy, this meeting will bring together AGN and black hole scientists to discuss the current state of the art and to plan for the future, specifically in terms of future progress with JWST, the potential upgrades to the EHT, and early science on the Vera Rubin Telescope.


Invited speakers:

Jan Roder, Max Planck Institut fur Radioastronomie, Bonn, ‘A multi-frequency study of sub-parsec scale relativistic jets with the Event Horizon Telescope’

Monika Moscibrodzka, Radboud University, Leiden, ‘Polarisation & magnetic fields around M87* & SgrA*’

Ziri Younsi, MSSL, UCL, London, ‘Testing gravity with the Event Horizon Telescope’

Jan Scholtz, Cambridge University, ‘Search for AGN at high z in the era of JWST’

Matthew Temple, Durham University, ‘AGN Science in the Rubin Observatory's LSST’



Derek Ward-Thompson

James Mullaney


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Venue Address

The Geological Society,Burlington House,LONDON


51.5087877, -0.13876359999995